WasteandChemicals is a company specialized in environmental and technical-legal consultancy services in the field of management and optimization of the waste cycle, by-product synergy, management of chemicals and compliance with the REACh and CLP regulations, as well as environmental impact assessment and permitting, sustainability of private and public developments, and technical support for remediation of contaminated sites projects.
The Mission of WasteandChemicals is to support its clients to develop the most sustainable environmental, social and economic solutions with regard to the management of industrial projects in accordance with optimal environmental governance principles, thus promoting the maximum protection of the natural and social environment.
Our Goal is to interact with the clients throughout all phases of activities in order to identify and define the most appropriate operational solutions, whilst being in compliance with current regulations and the best applicable environmental performance and reference standards.
WasteandChemicals partners, staff and collaborators share the same principles of integrity, transparency, fairness, honesty, and loyalty.
Circ.ne Gianicolense 216/E - 00152 Roma
Tel. +39 06.45675590/1
Email: info@wasteanchemicals.com
Website: https://www.wasteandchemicals.eu/en/homepage-waste-eng/