Saipem is a leader in engineering, drilling services as well as in the procurement, construction and installation of major projects both offshore and onshore in the energy and infrastructure sectors. As a Global Solution Provider it counts on a distinctive set of skills, competences and high-tech assets, which enable Saipem to undertake and deliver complex and extraordinary assignments. The Company is present in 62 countries and employs approximately 32,000 people of 120 different nationalities.

The ability to build solid local partnerships, aimed at creating shared value, guides its global presence.

Saipem’s sustainable business model draws inspiration from the principles of safety, health, quality, environmental protection and from the respect of Human and Labour rights.

These commitments have been widely appreciated, with the Company receiving several awards and recognitions, among which inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good and the UN Global Compact.

Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 67 - 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)

Tel. +39 02.442.44231

